The links below may help commuters locate information and resources specific to commuting in the greater Houston region.
Learn more:
The Houston-Galveston Area Council’s Transportation Department assists the region’s efforts to attain federal air quality standards. This website is designed to provide information and resources to local residents, employers, fleet managers, partners and stakeholders to improve our region’s air quality.
Learn more: H-GAC Commute Solutions
Commute Solutions provides advice, answers, and grant funds for commuting and transit options to both commuters and employers. Options include ridesharing, teleworking, alternative work schedules such as 9/80s, vanpool, transit subsidies, biking, walking, and park and rides, so have human resources call today!
Learn more: Transit in the Houston Region
Did you know there are 8 transit service providers in the greater Houston region? Most have one or more services tailored to commuters.
Learn more: Houston TranStar
The Houston TranStar consortium is a partnership of four government agencies that are responsible for providing Transportation Management and Emergency Management services to the Greater Houston Region. TranStar provides many resources:
- Real-time Traffic Map
- Incidents/Road Closures Reports
- Create Your Own Custom Traffic Alert
- Historical Freeway Travel Times
Learn more: Commute Resources in the Survey
Contains an alphabetical listing of services, tools, and resources mentioned in the 2014 Greater Houston Commuter and Employer Transportation Survey.