H-GAC obtained State Planning and Research funds from the Texas Department of Transportation to study and improve commute-related incentive programs. H-GAC’s aim is to better understand congestion, particularly along the IH 45 North, US 59 South, and US 290 corridors, and to assist companies and commuters with commute solutions. H‑GAC engaged the research services of TTI to conduct survey-based research into current practices and preferences of both employers and commuters. The scope of work and timeline for the study are as follows:
- 2014: Baseline survey and measurement of utilization of alternatives.
- 2015: Work with partner organizations to adjust incentives and programs.
- 2016: Follow-up survey and measurement of change in utilization of alternatives.
This section summarizes the study methodology and provides important context for the findings presented in this executive summary and at www.ghcommutes.org.
The following pages summarize the study process and provide context for findings and analysis shared in other areas of the site:
Survey Instrument
Response Snapshot
Survey Data
Next Steps
Please cite the study using the following information:
- Study Name: H-GAC Travel Options Planning & Research Study
- Survey Name: 2014 Commuter & Employer Transportation Survey
- Author: Texas A&M Transportation Institute
- Retrieved from: www.ghcommutes.org